Dear shareholder!

JSC “O’zog’irsanoatloyiha” instituti reports that based on the decision of the annual general meeting of shareholders dated June 29, 2018, dividends in the amount of 199,046.88 thousand soums were accrued on the Company’s shares (45 soums per share). According to this decision, it was established that the start date of dividend payment is July 9, 2018, and the end date of payment is August 28, 2018.

In this regard, we ask you to contact the Company to receive the dividends due to you. You have with you your passport and plastic card details (if available), and other details for transferring your dividends. If you do not have a plastic card, we ask you to issue a plastic card at any bank convenient for you.

ATTENTION! According to Article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Joint-Stock Companies and Protection of Shareholder Rights”, it is established that the shareholder is obliged to promptly inform the Central Depository and (or) the investment intermediary providing services for recording rights to his shares about changes in his data. In cases where the shareholder does not provide information about changes in his data, the Central Depository and (or) the investment intermediary providing services for recording rights to his shares are not liable for losses caused to the shareholder in connection with this.

Taking into account the above, we ask you to promptly inform the Central Depository and (or) the investment intermediary that provides services for recording rights to its shares about changes in your data.
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71 268 99 19
71 237 34 84


71 268 99 15
