Activity of the company

Design and estimate documentation (DED) is one of the basic parts of a specialized package of design documents. The task set for its developers is to display and justify the real cost of the planned work at each stage of implementation. Competent development of design and estimate documentation allows you to determine in advance the required amount of investment and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of design and meet stringent requirements in terms of professional education, special training, competence and demonstration of professional skills. They also consistently adhere to high ethical standards and professional standards.

We are always happy to cooperate!
We offer services for the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of buildings, structures and other objects of housing, civil and industrial purposes (all types of activities and all categories of complexity), including:
  • master plan and transport,
  • technological solutions,
  • architectural and construction solutions,
  • heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
  • water supply and sewerage,
  • heat supply and energy supply,
  • power electrical equipment and electric lighting,
  • gas supply and compressed air
  • communication and signaling,
  • estimate part.
Performing calculations of building structures
  • Feasibility study (feasibility study),
  • FER (technical and economic calculation),
  • RD (working documentation) for construction projects, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of buildings, structures and other facilities for housing, civil and industrial purposes.
Technical inspection, instrumental research of buildings and structures:
  • -industrial buildings and structures for any purpose,
  • -civil buildings and preparation of data for the development of a reconstruction project for these facilities.
Development of projects for strengthening building structures of buildings and structures.
Development of documentation for the construction of main utility networks.
Design of fire automatics and fire alarm systems.
Development of new and revision of existing regulatory documents in the field of industrial and civil construction.
Development of new UTR (unified technical solutions) for building structures of buildings and structures.
Technical support of investment projects in the field of construction of housing, civil and industrial facilities.
Carrying out technical supervision during the construction of housing, civil and industrial facilities.
The Institute JSC «O’zog’irsanoatloyiha» is engaged in designing different levels of complexity. We have been working with various designs since 1941, over the years of activity we have introduced and apply advanced design technologies.

Why you should contact our institute:

  • We offer profitable cooperation options;
  • affordable prices for project development;
  • design documentation for communications is officially certified;
  • performing work in a short time;
  • free consultation from leading specialists of the institute.
When ordering a project from our institute, you will avoid problems associated with additional costs and expertise. Diagnostics and examinations are carried out by the best highly qualified specialists.
Design services are available to both companies and individuals. The technical specifications are drawn up together with the customer. The volume and cost of work are agreed upon in advance, so clients receive a completed order within a strictly designated time.
When using and quoting materials published on this site in full or in part, a link to the official site is required.





Mustakillik Street 88


71 268 99 19
71 237 34 84


71 268 99 15
